кзтоп.нет / Свежие песни / Super Sako, Andy - Ari Mots
Super Sako, Andy - Ari Mots

Super Sako, Andy Ari Mots

  • Скачано: 34
  • Размер MP3: 3.47 MB
  • Длительность MP3: 3:45
  • Качество MP3: 44100 Hz, 128 kbps, 16 bit, Stereo
  • Дата релиза: 15-10-2024, 18:14
Super Sako, Andy - Ari Mots
Super Sako, Andy - Ari Mots
Текст песни
yeah yeah yeah her body so exotic she
like the dopest product I get so hot I
feel like the sky is falling I only ride
about her I never ride without her and
you won't never get to meet her so I

tell you about her we used to chill
together smoke and drink until it's done
after she got me once she likes I go I'm
done she pack the and left it feels

so right she took a left just thinking
about it right now I feel the pain in my
chest I thought I had a my mama matter
my mama and my sister say yall go
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